Washington, I knew you had it in you! Neil and I took a chance on the dreary weather we've been having lately and went on a bike trip last weekend. And we were rewarded for our risk taking! The 4th of July holiday carries a literal cloud over it in the Pacific Northwest, which may only catch people's attention because this is one weekend they'd love to be grilling camping boating etc without getting poured on. Be that as it may, the odds of a firework show sans-precipitation around here are pretty slim. But we went for it anyway, biking out to Deception Pass, camping at the State Park there, biking out to Port Townsend and back on Saturday, and coming back home Sunday. All in all, it was about 140 beautiful (and rain-free!) miles or so - definitely the longest bike trip I've been on - and I loved it.

So here's what I know:
1) I am super smitten with my new bike.
2) Padded biking shorts - not optional!
3) Once you get into the 40+ miles/day range, it is possible (and recommended) to eat your weight in trail mix.

awesomely staged pre-ride shot - here we go!

the post-bike relaxation trifecta: cribbage, trail mix, and a 3-serving sized box of wine.

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