But I'm starting to get excited about getting to know and love new plants, creating guilds of plant communities, becoming both a farmer and a steward. And a designer! With the help of several native plant landscaping books and the unending inspiration of my favorite plant-o-phile, Rosemary, I recently completed my first landscaping design project. I used most all native plants. Not that I'm a purist necessarily - After all, I'm a member of perhaps the most invasive species ... ever, and I myself have certainly uprooted myself from my native soils and managed to thrive. But 1) once established, natives should be able to take care of themselves with little maintenance 2) they're what I know and 3) how do you say no to a deer fern?

I'm happy with how the project turned out, though already growing impatient waiting for the plants to sprawl out and fill in the gaps (How many successions of radishes could I have had in this time? my antsy farmer mind thinks to itself).
Some before and afters:

What I've enjoyed most about this project is knowing who it's for: John and Lee, the sweet couple who have made this garden I've planted their gift to one another for their 40th anniversary.
Happy Anniversary you two! If that's not cause for souljoy, I don't know what is.
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