Keeping the words to a minimum, I wanted to show my completed hat project. You may have noticed that it's not actually a hat; I noticed that too. Turns out that's as far as the yarn went - I spun it pretty thick, and it was just enough to make a headband/ears-warmer deal, which I'm pretty stoked about. The yellow is fading a bit from it's bright turmeric-y beginnings, and now has some neat color variations. I used cream of tartar and alum powder (both found at the grocery store) as mordants, substances that help set and brighten the color of natural dyes.
I've already started my next project, although I'm still not so sure what it will be. This I do know: it involves more thinly spun yarn and a new color. Updates on this (and a ridiculously beautiful and soul-reviving roadtrip with one Caitlin Dronen) to come!

A beautiful headpiece! That's awesome. Have you checked in the back of Fedco? They sell plants made for dying (indigo, etc.) but I've heard you can also use amaranth.